Fig. 2
Analysis of hematopoietic defects in dkc1 and nola1 deficiency.
(A) Expression of HSC marker genes was decreased in dkc1 morphants. C-myb expression at 3 dpf (a and b); runx1 expression at 30 hpf (c and d). (B) Number of HSC (a, b, c and d) and red blood cells (red arrow in i and j) at 4 dpf were significantly reduced in nola1 mutants. C-myb expression at 3 dpf; runx1 expression at 30 hpf. Granulocytes, marked by mpx, weren′t affected or slightly less in nola1 mutants at 3 dpf (g and h), while expression of rag1, a marker of lymphoid cells, almost disappeared in nola1 mutants at 4 dpf (red arrow in e–f2). A a–d, B a–d, e, f, g and h are lateral view with anterior to the left, e2 and f2 are dorsal view with anterior to the left, and i and j are ventral view with anterior to the left.