Fig. 3
Fig. 3 Expression of Hh target genes is unchanged in IFT mutants. In situ hybridization was performed for Hh target genes at 24 hpf. Embryos were photographed and subsequently genotyped. Wild type (+/+) and mutant (-/-) embryos are shown in individual panels for ift57 (A, D, G, J, M), ift88 (B, E, H, K, N), and ift172 (C, F, I, L, O) genotypes. A-C: Expression of ptc-1 and (D-F) ptc-2 remained unchanged in IFT mutants. A3-F4: High-magnification images of wild type and mutant embryos. G-I: gli1 and (J-L) gli3 remains unchanged at 24 hpf in wild type and IFT mutant embryos. M-O: High-magnification images of nkx2.2 staining in the ventral midbrain and hindbrain in wild type and IFT mutant embryos revealed no differences in expression. A1-O2: All images show lateral view of embryos, with anterior to the left. P-S: Sections of the neural tube from wild type and mutant embryos following in situ hybridization with ptc-1 reveal no differences in the dorsal or ventral expression boundaries. Arrows indicate the dorsal and ventral limits of ptc-1 expression.