Fig. 5
Fig. 5 Analysis of rostrocaudal (A–D) and dorsoventral (E–J) patterning in the neuraxis. Prior to 24 h, aln mutant embryos were identified by simultaneous staining for trp-2 expression, which is greatly reduced in the mutant retina (C, D, G, H). Expression of zash-1A in WT sibling (A) and aln mutant (B) 24-h embryos. The major compartments of the brain are indicated by brackets: telencephalon (t), diencephalon (d), and mesencephalon (m). The hypothalamus (∧), epiphysis (*), and tegmentum (♦) are also indicated. (C, D) Expression of krox-20 in rhombomeres 3 and 5 of the hindbrain in WT sibling (C) and aln mutant (D) 18.5-h embryos, double stained with trp-2 (indicated in C). (E, F) Expression of sonic hedgehog in the ventral brain and floor plate of WT sibling (E) and aln mutant (F) 24-h embryos. (G, H) Expression of c-ret in primary motoneurons in the ventral spinal cord of WT sibling (G) and aln mutant (H) 18-h embryos, double stained with trp-2. (I, J) Transverse sections through the midtrunk of WT sibling (I) and aln mutant (J) embryos stained for isl-2 expression at 24 h. Rohon-Beard primary sensory neurons (rb) and primary motoneurons (pmn) appear normal with respect to location within the neural keel, cell body number, and expression level of isl-2.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 210(2), Cretekos, C.J. and Grunwald, D.J., alyron, an insertional mutation affecting early neural crest development in zebrafish, 322-338, Copyright (1999) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.