Defective Nodal pathway gene expressions in early segmentation stage MZ myo1g mutants.a MZ myo1g mutants present a reduced expression of the Nodal ligand cyc and the Nodal feedback antagonist lft1 in the LRO/tail bud region of bud stage embryos. Mutant embryos also present a reduced expression of the Nodal ligand gdf3 in the eight-somites stage LRO. b MZ myo1g mutants display a reduced expression of the Nodal signaling antagonist dand5 from the bud stage onwards. a, b show vegetal views of the LRO/tail bud region, anterior up. c Eight-somites stage MZ myo1g mutants present a reduction in the antero-posterior extension of lft1 expression in the anterior brain. Dorsal views of the brain, anterior up. Box plots in c indicate mean values ± SD. Scale bars: a 50 µm, b, c 100 µm. All p values were obtained using non-directional statistical tests. Complete numerical and statistical information are provided in the Source Data files.