Fig. 1
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- ZDB-FIG-240426-8
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- Zhang et al., 2024 - Inducing aortic aneurysm/dissection in zebrafish: evaluating the efficacy of β-Aminopropionic Nitrile as a model
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BAPN induced dorsal aortic widening and aortic arch deformity in larval zebrafish. A, statistical analysis of the diameter of the dorsal aorta of Tg[flk:eGFP] zebrafish with a sample size of n = 10 and a significant difference of *** < 0.001. B and C, statistical analysis of the dorsal aortic diameter in response to four different concentrations of BAPN, and the control groups on the 3rd, 5th, and 7th days post-treatment. The scale bars indicate a magnification of 60 μm (10x), with a sample size of n = 10. Statistical significance is denoted as * < 0.05, ** < 0.001, and *** < 0.0001. D, Blood vessel abnormalities following BAPN administration, revealing the presence of fibrous tissue-like mass in the zebrafish body. In the present study, figure E shows the zebrafish control group and the group treated with BAPN under a confocal focus of 50 μM. These results indicated that the administration of BAPN led to the deformation of the aortic arch. Furthermore, the statistical graph F displays the observed malformation of the aortic arch in diagram E, with a sample size of n = 8. |