Fig. 3

Chen et al., 2024 - Projective light-sheet microscopy with flexible parameter selection
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Fig. 3

Selective projection imaging of calcium dynamics.

ad Calcium dynamics in a Drosophila embryo labeled with jGCaMP7s-CAAX imaged at a rate of 50 Hz using OPMprops. b Zoomed-in views of the area surrounding the dashed line in (a). c Kymograph along the dotted line in (a). d Calcium signal analysis (dF/F) from the box in (c). e Projection image of another jGCaMP7s-CAAX labeled embryo using OPMpro. f Same embryo as in (e), but imaged with OPMprops at 20 Hz framerate. g Kymograph along the dotted line in (e). h Kymograph along the dotted line in (f). in OPMprops imaging at two depths within a zebrafish larva labeled with Tg(elavl3:soma-GCaMP7f). i Overlay of the two projections. j, k Individual projections. l Schematic representation of the projection imaging. The two sub-volumes (“slabs”) are separated by 40 microns. mn Color-coded timeseries corresponding to j, k where the static background was subtracted. Both the Drosophila embryo and zebrafish larva imaging were repeated independently 3 times with similar results. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.

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