Loss of NMDA receptor function results in reduced KCC2 expression. (A & B) Representative images of the diencephalon of a wild-type (A) and grin1−/− (B) fish. Dashed line is the midline proliferative zone, whereas the solid lines represent the transects drawn for corrected line fluorescence intensity analysis (CLFI). The dorsal transect (labeled D) passes through the dorsal thalamus, while the ventral transect (labeled V) passes through the posterior tuberculum. (C & D) Line graphs showing CLFI for dorsal (C) and ventral (D) transects in wild-type (top) and grin1−/− (bottom) fish. Low opacity lines represent individual traces. Bold lines represent the averages of all traces binned in increments of 0.5% along the transect length. Peaks represent points at which the transect crosses the plasma membrane. The dotted orange line represents the distance along the transect at which the average intensity reaches half the wild-type average maximum value. (E & F) Representative images of the cell-rich region of the anterior telencephalon in wild-type (E) and grin1−/− (F). Asterisks indicate regions of the anterior commissure in each image and the area above the dashed line indicates the cell-rich region surrounding the anterior commissure. (G) Box and whisker plot of normalized CFI for the cell rich region surrounding the anterior commissure. Wild type n = 8, grin1−/− n = 8, t-test p = 0.01. Significance (t-test) is indicated (*p < 0.05)