Abnormal osteoblast function. (A,B) Representative image of alkaline phosphatase staining in vertebral bone section of wildtype (N = 4) and piezo111aa del/11aa del (N = 5). Red boxes indicate the magnified area of growth plate. Blue arrow indicates center of growth plate, orange arrow indicates growth plate at the opposite site. Scale bar is 100 μm. (C) Fluorescence images of vertebral bone of wildtype; (osx-GFP) and piezo111aa del/11aa del; (osx-GFP) at 25 dpf. (D) Quantitative analysis of fluorescence area. Values are presented as mean ± SD and analyzed using Student’s t-test. ***p < 0.001. mRNA level of(E) osterix, mid-stage osteoblast marker gene, and(F) osteoclacin/bglap, late-stage osteoblast marker gene. Values are presented as mean ± SD and analyzed using Student’s t-test. ****p < 0.0001.