scfd1 deficiency leads to systolic dysfunction in adult zebrafish hearts. Scatter graphs showing high-frequency echocardiography data from heterozygous hahvcc43+/− and scfd1vcc44+/− mutants aged 9–15 months. Heart rate and ventricle end-diastolic volume (EDV), normalized to body surface area, (BSA) were normal, while ventricle end-systolic volume (ESV), normalized to BSA, was increased. Ventricular ejection fraction (EF) and global longitudinal strain (GLS) were reduced in hahvcc43+/− and scfd1vcc44+/− mutants in comparison to wildtype (+/+). Maximal atrial area (AA) was increased in scfd1vcc44+/− mutants. Significant one-way ANOVA and multiple comparisons p-values stated. Significance if p < 0.05. Created with