setd5 haploinsufficiency alters locomotor activity and induces an anxiety-like shoaling behavior in adult mutant zebrafish. (a) Distance moved and (b) speed (cm/s) of setd5+/+ and setd5+/− adult fish evaluated during a 5-min-long open field test.; n = number of fishes analyzed. (c) Nearest Neighbor Distance (NND), (d) Inter-Individual Distance (IID), (e) polarization and (f) mean speed of fish groups constituted by 4 setd5+/+ or setd5+/− adults, evaluated by a shoaling test. (a–f) n = number of group of fish analyzed. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. Statistical analysis was performed by Student’s t-test. * p < 0.05; *** p < 0.001.