Figure 5
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-221211-99
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- Möller et al., 2022 - A role for the centrosome in regulating the rate of neuronal efferocytosis by microglia in vivo
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(A) Macrophage (magenta; Tg(csf1ra:GAL4-VP16; UAS:lyn-tagRFPt)) with the centrosome (UAS:miRFP670-cetn4) and microtubules (green; Tg(UAS:EB3-GFP)) labelled. The centrosome can be seen right in the centre of the MTOC (box). (B) Microglia (grey; Tg(csf1ra:GAL4-VP16; UAS:lyn-tagRFPt)) with microtubules (cyan; Tg(UAS:EB3-GFP)) labelled. The MTOC can be seen as a bright spot of growing microtubules (arrow). Top: a successful phagocytic event, full time lapse in Figure 5—video 2. The newly formed phagosome is marked with an asterisk. Bottom: an aborted attempt marked with an asterisk.