Figure 3.
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- ZDB-FIG-220717-66
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- Mahony et al., 2021 - Hapln1b, a central organizer of the extracellular matrix, modulates kit signalling to control developmental haematopoiesis
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Hapln1b overexpression inhibits HSPC budding and development. (A) ISH expression of kdrl, runx1, and cmyb in non-injected or hapln1b mRNA?injected embryos. (B-C) ISH expression of cmyb in non-injected or hapln1b mRNA?injected embryos. (D-D?) Double-transgenic kdrl:mCherry/cmyb:GFP embryos at 36 and 48 hpf. Bar represents 50 µm. (D?) NI vs +h1b-injected at 36 hpf, P < .0001; and at 48 hpf, P = .0003. (E-E?) Imaging double-transgenic kdrl:mCherry/cmyb:GFP embryos at 3 and 4 dpf. Bar represents 50 µm. (E?) NI vs +h1b injected at 3 dpf, P = .0003; and at 4 dpf, P = .004. NI, non-injected, +h1b: hapln1b mRNA?injected. |