Endothelial miR-c22a regulates PMNs axonal navigation. (a) A possible working model for how blood vessels regulate primary motor neuronal pathfinding in zebrafish. (b) Q-PCR analysis of the miR-22 expression in the isolated exosome from HUVECs (n = 6). (c) Imaging analysis of Tg(mnx1:EGFP::fli1a:CD61-mCherry); arrowhead indicates the vesicle from endothelial cells. (d) Confocal imaging analysis of control, rab11bb MO injected and GW4869 treated Tg(mnx1:EGFP) embryos. (e) Percentage of embryos with indicated phenotypes in control (n = 30), rab11bb MO injected (n = 55) and GW4869 treated Tg(mnx1:EGFP) embryos (n = 38). (f) Percentage of embryos with indicated phenotypes in control (n = 18), miR-22 MO injected (n = 25), miR-22 MO co-injected with exosome isolated from HUVECs (n = 28), miR-22 MO co-injected with exosome isolated from HUVECs transfected with miR-22 duplex (n = 32) and miR-22 MO co-injected with exosome isolated from HUVECs transfected with miR-22 MO Tg(mnx1:EGFP) embryos (n = 23). Fisher's exact test, ****p < 0.0001; ***p < 0.001; ns, no significance.