Gonadal development of egfra mutant at 3 mpf. (A) Anatomical and histological examination of the ovary in egfra mutant (egfra?/?) and controls (egfra+/+ and egfra+/?). The follicles of egfra-deficient females were arrested at PG stage with only a few entering early PV stage. (B) Anatomical and histological examination of the testis in egfra mutant (egfra?/?) and controls (egfra+/+ and egfra+/?). The spermiogenesis was normal in egfra mutant males. (C) GSI of egfra-deficient females (n = 11?12) and males (n = 13?18). The GSI of female mutant was much lower than that of control whereas no difference was found in males (**p < 0.01). PG, primary growth; PV, previtellogenic; EV, early vitellogenic; MV, mid-vitellogenic; LV, late vitellogenic; FG, full-grown; SC, spermatocytes; SZ, spermatozoa.