Fig. 2
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- ZDB-FIG-220131-402
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- Uribe-Salazar et al., 2022 - Evaluation of CRISPR gene-editing tools in zebrafish
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Correlation of on-target efficiencies calculated using different methods. A Heatmap of the efficiency scores obtained from the design tool (CRISPRScan), in silico prediction tools, and cutting cleavages obtained in vivo using Illumina sequencing and a deconvolution tool from Sanger sequencing [35] for 50 gRNAs. Each box represents a gRNA and the efficiency scores range from 0 (blue) to 100 (red). B Spearman correlations between all efficiency scores from in silico predictions, an in vitro protocol [28], and in vivo cutting assays. Each box includes the correlation result with the p-value in parenthesis. The color of the boxes represent the correlation values, ranging between − 1 (blue) and 1 (red). CHOPCHOP scores were obtained using two different scoring methods, CHOPCHOP (D) (based on [39]) and CHOPCHOP (X) (based on [40]) |