Fig. 4
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- ZDB-FIG-220131-404
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- Uribe-Salazar et al., 2022 - Evaluation of CRISPR gene-editing tools in zebrafish
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Evaluation of spurious genomic mutations in CRISPR-injection controls. A The abundance of protein-coding genes carrying frameshift variants for each Cas9-injected treatment are depicted in a Venn diagram, with mutated genes identified in both treatments listed. B Genomic DNA from zebrafish larvae injected with Cas9 enzyme, Cas9 mRNA, catalytically dead Cas9 (dCas9), a scrambled gRNA, uninjected batch siblings, and a fin clip from their parents was used to perform targeted Illumina sequencing of 21 genes to quantify indel mosaicism with average ± standard deviation values listed in the table (see Supplementary Tables 1 and 7 for the description of the genes) |