Fig. 6
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- ZDB-FIG-211216-8
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- Kim et al., 2021 - Maintenance of quiescent oocytes by noradrenergic signals
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Octopamine regulates quiescence via Oct?2R, competing with nutrients.
a, b Upon protein starvation, tbh?/? or oct?2R?/? virgins contain more stage 14 egg chambers (S14, white dotted ellipses) than controls. Representative images (Scale bar = 100 µm) (a) and the quantification (b). Arrows indicate stage 9. n = 85 tbh?/?; 35 oct?2R?/?; 137 Canton-S; 52 w1118; 47 tbh+/?. Two-sided t-test: p = CS vs. w1118 (0.0001); vs. tbh+/? (1.2 × 10?6); vs. tbh?/? (8.4 × 10?36); vs. oct?2R?/? (1.4 × 10?10), w1118 vs. tbh+/? (0.21); vs. tbh?/? (2.6 × 10?25); vs. oct?2R?/? (2.3 × 10?10); 7.2 × 10?21 (tbh?/? vs. tbh+/?); 8.8 × 10?7 (tbh+/? vs. oct?2R?/?); 0.070 (tbh?/? vs. oct?2R?/?). c Exogenous OA (5 mg/ml) rescues tbh?/? mutants, but not oct?2R?/?. n = 85 animals (?OA), 11 animals (+OA) for tbh?/?; 35 animals (?OA), 9 animals (+OA) for oct?2R?/?; 7 animals (+OA) for tbh+/?. Two-sided t-test: p = 7.5 × 10?9 for tbh?/?, 0.77 for oct?2R?/? between untreated and treated with OA. The same data for without OA in Fig. 6b was replotted. d Without nutrients, controls produce few S14 (n = 25 Canton-S, 11 w1118), whereas tbh?/? (n = 99 animals) produces at a similar rate to that of Canton-S fed on CSY. tbh+/? (n = 116 animals) produces S14 ranging between wild-type and tbh?/?. Two-sided t-test: p = CS vs. w1118 (0.05), vs. tbh+/? (3.1 × 10?6), vs. tbh?/? (1.7 × 10?10), w1118 vs. tbh+/? (0.008), vs. tbh?/? (4.4 × 10?5), 9.4 × 10?10 (tbh+/? vs. tbh?/?). e Exogenous OA restores oocyte quiescence to tbh+/? and tbh?/? in a concentration dependent manner. n = 33 tbh+/?, 28 tbh?/? for 5 mg/ml OA, 43 tbh+/?, 26 tbh?/? for 10 mg/ml OA. Two-sided t-test: p = 9.4 × 10?10 (tbh+/? vs. tbh?/?), 0.11 (tbh+/?: OA0 vs. OA5), 0.0005 (tbh+/?: OA0 vs. OA10), 0.0013 (tbh?/?: OA0 vs. OA5), 0.0001 (tbh?/?: OA0 vs. OA10). f OA and nutrients compete in regulation of egg chamber growth. n = 55 Canton-S (CSY1%), 73 Canton-S (1% + OA5), 107 Canton-S (CSY2.5%), 79 Canton-S (CSY2.5% + OA5), 53 Canton-S (CSY2.5% + OA10). Two-sided t-test: p = 0.0006 (CSY1% vs. CSY1% + OA5), 0.21 (CSY2.5% vs. CSY2.5% + OA5), 1.4 × 10?7 (CSY2.5% vs. CSY2.5% + OA10). b?f Numbers of egg chambers per fly were shown. Boxplots show the median, mean (X), interquartile range (IQR). The upper whisker: the maxima smaller than 1.5 times IQR plus the third quartile, the lower whisker: the minima larger than 1.5 times IQR minus the first quartile. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. |