Fin overgrowth in loft2 requires kcnh2a. (A,B) Bright-field images of clutchmate TL; kcnh2a+/+ (A) and TL; kcnh2ab1391/b1391 (B) adult zebrafish. Scale bars: 1?cm. (C-E) Representative images of regenerated caudal fins at 27?days post-amputation (dpa) from (C) wild-type control, (D) loft2/t2; kcnh2a+/+ and (E) loft2/t2; kcnh2ab1391/b1391 fish. The dashed yellow line indicates the site of fin resection. Scale bars: 1?mm. (F) Quantification of fin ray outgrowth of wild-type (blue circles), loft2/t2; kcnh2+/+ (red squares) and loft2/t2; kcnh2ab1391/b1391 (orange squares) fish at 27?dpa. Each data point represents the normalized length of ray 3 from an individual animal of the indicated genotype. ****P<0.005 (one-way ANOVA with Tukey's multiple comparisons tests). ns, not significant.