GIV-L is preferentially expressed in the surface epithelium of colon crypts and is downregulated in the transformed epithelium in colon polyps.A and B, images representative of patterns of GIV staining, as determined by immunohistochemistry staining on normal healthy human colon (A) and matched adjacent adenoma (B) with various GIV (total and isoform specific) antibodies. See also Figure S3 for validation studies on the antibodies. C, schematic summarizing the observed expression pattern observed in panels A (top) and B (bottom). ↑, ↓ and ↔ indicate upregulation, downregulation, and no discernible changes in expression, respectively. D and E, working model of the opposing roles (D) and patterns of altered expression (E) of GIV and GIV-L isoforms in the colonic epithelium. Cytosolic GIV promotes stemness, growth, survival, and cell migration, whereas cell-junction-localized GIV-L inhibits growth, survival cell cycle, cell death.