ifi30 is expressed in CHT endothelial cells.a WISH against ifi30 at 24, 33, and 48 hpf. b Double WISH at 48 hpf against ifi30 (purple) and cdh5 (red), black arrows indicate the expression of cdh5 in dorsal aorta (DA) and the overlapping expression with ifi30 in the posterior cardinal vein (PCV). c qPCR data examining ifi30 expression (fold change relative to expression in kdrl:GFP+ head subset) in FACS-sorted cells from kdrl:GFP, ikaros:GFP, and mpeg1:GFP embryos. GFP+ cells from dissected heads and tails were sorted from 48 hpf embryos (for each transgenic line have been pooled n = 20 embryos), and each experiment was repeated independently three times. Statistical analysis was performed using a one-way ANOVA with Tukey–Kramer post hoc tests, adjusted for multiple comparisons, *P = 0.013; **P = 0.001; ****P < 0.0001. Center values denote the mean, and error values denote s.e.m. d Imaged area in the tail at 48 hpf, as indicated by the black dotted line. Confocal imaging in the CHT of kdrl:mCherry/cmyb:GFP embryos in non-injected and ifi30-full mRNA injected embryos. The white arrows indicate kdrl and cmyb double-positive cells. e Quantification of HSPCs associated to ECs. Statistical analysis: unpaired two-tailed t test ****P < 0.0001. Center values denote the mean, and error values denote s.e.m. Scale bars: 200 μm (a, b); 50 μm (d).