Kv1.1 is expressed in motor neurons and V2a interneurons. (A) Kv1.1 (magenta:A; grey:A’) localizes to motor axons expressing hb9:GFP (green:A; grey:A”). (B-G) Kinematic parameters of the acoustic startle response in (B-D) sibling, ryr1b single mutants, dolk single mutants, and ryr1b-/-;dolk-/- double mutants, and (E-G) sibling, kcna1a single mutants, prdm12b single mutants, and kcna1a-/-;prdm12b-/- double mutants. Each point represents average of ten trials for an individual fish. n≥6 larvae, *p<0.04 **p<0.0001 (one-way ANOVA with Tukey correction for multiple comparisons). (H-I) Kv1.1 (magenta:H,I; grey:H’,I’) localizes to (H) V2a interneuron axons expressing chx10::GFP (green:H,I; grey:H”,I”) in the ventral spinal cord but not (I) V2a interneuron soma. (J) In dolk mutants, Kv1.1 (magenta:J; grey:J’) localizes to V2a interneuron soma expressing chx10::GFP (green:J; grey:J”). Scale bars = 50 μM.