Figure 6

Lu et al., 2021 - Diphlorethohydroxycarmalol Isolated from Ishige okamurae Exerts Vasodilatory Effects via Calcium Signaling and PI3K/Akt/eNOS Pathway
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Figure 6

DPHC induces vasodilation in the whole-body vasculature in a Tg(flk:EGFP) transgenic zebrafish model. (a) Representative images of the Tg(flk:EGFP) transgenic zebrafish larva’s whole body captured using a fluorescence microscope (4×). A: 0 μM of DPHC (Control); B: 0.06 μM of DPHC; C: 0.2 μM of DPHC; D: 0.6 μM of DPHC. (b) Quantification of the whole-body fluorescence intensity. Each column and bar represent the mean ± standard deviation (S.D.), n = 8 per group. * p < 0.05, significant difference compared to the control group. ns: not significant; DPHC: diphlorethohydroxycarmalol.

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