Figure 2.
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- ZDB-FIG-210121-3
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- Lee et al., 2020 - Suppressive effects of valproic acid on caudal fin regeneration in adult zebrafish
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Delay of blastema formation in the regenerated fin by treatment with 200 µM VPA. (A) Images show the sagittal sections of the regenerated fin using BrdU staining at 1 and 2 dpa. A red dotted line, the amputation site. Scale bar, 500 µm. BrdU-labeled cells in the fin of control zebrafish were shown in the mesenchymal compartment, lateral epidermis and epidermal cap at 1 dpa, but not in 200 µM VPA-treated zebrafish. No blastema was formed in the regenerated area of 200 µM VPA-treated zebrafish. (B) At 1 dpa, BrdU-labeled cells were detected in the proximal stump (ps), distal stump (ds), and regenerated epidermal cap (ec) in the control, but hardly detected in 200 µM VPA-treated zebrafish. At 2 dpa, A few BrdU-labeled cells were detected in the distal stump of 200 µM VPA-treated zebrafish. Scale bar, 200 µm. |