Figure EV3

Costa et al., 2020 - RAB13 mRNA compartmentalisation spatially orients tissue morphogenesis
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Figure EV3

Induction of endothelial cell collective migration drives <italic><styled-content toggle='no' style='fixed-case'>RAB</styled-content>13</italic><styled-content toggle='no' style='fixed-case'>mRNA</styled-content> polarisation in leader cells

Top: scratch wound assay generates a free edge on a confluent monolayer of HUVECs and encourages cell migration. Bottom: smFISH co‐detection of RAB13 mRNA and GAPDH mRNA in representative HUVECs migrating in a scratch wound assay. ZO‐1 immunolabelling defines cell boundaries.

Polarisation Index of RAB13 and GAPDH co‐detected in HUVECs cultured in scratch wound assays ( 28 cells; *< 0.05, ns: not significant; Mann–Whitney test).

Quantification of the number of RAB13 mRNA smFISH spots per cell ( 28 cells; ***P < 0.001; Mann–Whitney test). Leader: cells identified at the edge of the scratch; follower: cells identified in confluent regions adjacent to leader cells.

Data information: arrows indicate orientation of RNA localisation; yellow dashed lines outline cell borders; red circles highlight smFISH spots; scale bars = 20 μm (A). Bar charts are presented as means ± s.d.

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