Fig. 5

Chetty et al., 2020 - Ets1 functions partially redundantly with Etv2 to promote embryonic vasculogenesis and angiogenesis in zebrafish
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Fig. 5

Ets1 exhibits delayed activity in inducing endothelial gene expression compared to Etv2. (A?C) Compound microscope images of GFP fluorescence in Tg(fli1a:GFP) wild-type, etv2 mRNA and ets1 mRNA-injected embryos at the tailbud (10 hpf) stage. Note the GFP fluorescence in etv2 mRNA-injected embryos (B) and the lack thereof in ets1 mRNA-injected embryos (C). (D?I) GFP fluorescence in Tg(fli1a:GFP) wild-type, XeX:etv2 and XeX:ets1-injected embryos at the tailbud and 20-somite stage (19 hpf). Note the absence of GFP fluorescence in XeX:ets1 embryos at the tailbud stage (F) but presence of ectopic GFP expression at 20-somite stage as indicated by white arrowheads (I). (J?L) GFP fluorescence in Tg(fli1a:GFP) wild-type, etv2 MO and etv2 MO; XeX:ets1 embryos at 18-somite stage (18 hpf). Note the GFP expression induced by XeX:ets1 even in the absence of Etv2 function (L). (M) qPCR of wildtype, XeX:etv2 and XeX:ets1 whole embryos at the tailbud and 10-somite stage. ?P ?< ?0.05, ??P ?< ?0.01 (P value was calculated between wt and injected embryos); n.s ? not significant; error bars represent ?± ?SEM.

Expression Data
Knockdown Reagent:
Anatomical Term:
Stage Range: Bud to 20-25 somites

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Knockdown Reagent:
Observed In:
Stage: 14-19 somites

Phenotype Detail
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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 465(1), Chetty, S.C., Sumanas, S., Ets1 functions partially redundantly with Etv2 to promote embryonic vasculogenesis and angiogenesis in zebrafish, 11-22, Copyright (2020) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.