Intercellular gene–gene regulatory information flows.a (Drosophila embryo) The intercellular gene–gene regulatory information flow for the top 20 variable genes in Drosophila embryo scRNA-seq data. For example, gene Twist in the 25 μm shell is connected with gene Snail (red curve), suggesting Snail is directly or indirectly affected by Twist in neighbor cells within a spatial distance of 25 μm. b (zebrafish embryo) The intercellular gene–gene regulatory information flow for the variable genes involved in Wnt signaling or BMP signaling. Relative distances are considered where short, medium and long range corresponds to 1/8, 1/4 and 1/2 of the embryo radius. c Heatmaps of the information flows at different spatial scales showing the intercellular regulation within and across the two signaling modules.