Emx2+ expression analysis and hair cell orientation in wntSb mutants. a-e. Distribution, but not ratio of expression, of Emx2+ hair cells is affected in primll-derived neuromasts of MZwnt11 (wnt11f1) mutants. Antibody staining for the transcription factor Emx2 in 5dpf Wild type (a- b) and MZwnt11 (MZwnt11f1) mutants (c-d). ln Wild type, Emx2+ hair cells are biased towards the anterior pole of the priml-derived neuromasts (a, Binomial test p=val 7.6 x 10^-06) and towards the dorsal pole in primll-derived neuromasts (b, p-val=7 x 10^-04). ln MZwnt11 (wnt11f1) mutants, the distribution is still biased in priml-derived neuromasts (c, p-val=8.S x 10^-10) but it is disrupted in primll-derived neuromasts (d, p-val=0.2). Additionally, in both wild type and MZwnt11 (wnt11f1) mutants, approximately half of the hair cells express Emx2 (e). f. Phalloidin staining of priml and primll-derived neuromast in a 5dpf wnt5bti265 mutant fish, showing no hair cell orientation defects. The arrows in a-c indicate the direction of bias in each case. *** denotes statistical significance for biased location. N.S= not significant. Error bars in e represent Standard Deviation. Scale bar in a equals 10µm, f equals 5µm.