Figure 3
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- ZDB-FIG-200530-4
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- Williams et al., 2020 - Nodal and Planar Cell Polarity signaling cooperate to regulate zebrafish convergence and extension gastrulation movements
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(A) Diagram of injection and explantation of zebrafish embryos. (B–E) Representative bright-field images of live blastoderm explants of the indicated conditions/genotypes at the equivalent of the 2–4 somite stage. (F) Time-lapse DIC series of a representative explant from a WT embryo injected with 10 pg ndr2 RNA. (G, H) Time-lapse series of H2B-RFP labeled nuclei (G) and automated cell tracking (H) within a representative explant from a WT embryo injected with 10 pg ndr2 RNA. Tracks represent cell movements over 3.5 hr of time-lapse confocal imaging beginning at 7.5 hpf and are colored according to mean track displacement. (I, J) Displacement of cell tracks in the ‘mediolateral’ (I) and ‘anteroposterior’ (J) dimensions in explants from ndr2-injected (blue) and control RFP-injected (gray) WT embryos (as in Figure 1). Each dot represents a single cell track, each color represents an individual explant. N = 4 explants of each condition from two independent trials. (K) Absolute displacement of cell tracks in the ML and AP dimensions. (L) Representative images of WISH for the transcripts indicated in explants from WT embryos injected with 10 pg ndr2 RNA. Scale bars are 200 μm |