Gata2aΔi4/Δi4 mutants display a recovery of the initial haematopoietic defects from 48hpf.a Representative image of runx1 expression in the trunk of a wild-type embryo at 48hpf showing runx1 mRNA in the dorsal aorta (arrow). b Quantification of the runx1 in situ hybridization signal in wild-type (blue) and gata2aΔi4/Δi4 mutants (red) siblings at 48hpf. There is no significant difference in runx1 pixel intensity in the DA between the homozygous mutants and wild-type (µwt = 33.1, µmut = 37.5, t = 1.410, d.f. = 44, p = 0.17. n = 19, wild-type; n = 27, gata2aΔi4/Δi4). Error bars: mean ± SD. c, d In situ hybridization for cmyb in the CHT. We detected no difference in expression between wild-type and gata2aΔi4/Δi4 siblings at 4dpf. (e–h) In situ hybridization (ventral view) for rag1 in the thymii, showing a slight decrease (relative to wild-type) in rag1 (red arrows) in approximately half of the homozygous mutant embryos at 4dpf. This effect is absent at 5dpf. (i, j) Maximum projections of itga2b:GFP transgenic embryos in the CHT at 5dpf in i wild-type and jgata2aΔi4/Δi4 siblings. k HSPC (itga2b:GFPlow) counts in the CHT of wild-type (n = 10) and gata2aΔi4/Δi4 mutants (n = 12) at 5dpf. No difference was detected between genotypes (μwt = 153.5; μmut = 145.5; p = 0.98, Mann-Whitney test). l Thrombocyte (itga2b:GFPhigh) counts in the CHT of wild-type (n = 10) and gata2aΔi4/Δi4 mutants (n = 12) at 5dpf. No difference was detected between genotypes (μwt = 13; μmut = 13; p = 0.71, Mann-Whitney test). Error bars: median ± SD.