Cardiac chamber identity is disrupted in rnf2 mutants at 3 dpf. (a) GSEA using the list of cardiac genes reported by Hill et al.38 indicates that the group of transcription factors is significantly enriched in being upregulated in rnf2 mutant hearts at 3 dpf as detected by Single HeartsRNA-seq (FDR q-value = 0.001; NES = 1.96). The leading transcription factors (n = 9) are listed in the zoom of the GSEA plot. (b) GSEA indicates the annotation ‘Structural Group’ genes (n = 23) to be enriched for downregulation upon the rnf2 mutation in hearts at 3 dpf. The leading genes (n = 8) are listed in the zoom of the GSEA plot. FDR q-value = 0.054; NES = −1.67. (c) Normalized counts as found by Single HeartsRNA-seq for nppa, myl7, myh6, and vmhc at 3 dpf in wildtype and rnf2 mutant hearts with their accompanying whole mount in situ hybridizations. Scale bar is 200 µm.