The Target-AID system can generate nucleotide substitution mutants. Phenotypic representation of (A, lateral view) a wild-type embryo and (B, lateral view) a chdc.232C>T/c.232C>T F2 embryo at 24 hpf. The open arrow and open arrowhead indicate a smaller head and expanded blood islands, respectively. Phenotypic representation of (C, lateral view), (E, ventral view) a wild-type embryo and (D, lateral view), (F, ventral view) an oepc.178C>T/c.178C>T F2 embryo at 27 hpf. The arrowhead indicates a single eye in each respective panel. (G,H) Expression pattern of gsc in (G, lateral view) a wild-type embryo and (H, lateral view) an oepc.178C>T/c.178C>T F2 embryo at the shield stage. (I,J) Expression pattern of hgg1 in (I, dorsal view) a wild-type embryo and (J, dorsal view) an oepc.178C>T/c.178C>T F2 embryo at the tailbud stage. Scale bars represent 100??m.