Fig. S2
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- ZDB-FIG-180710-1
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- Andrzejczuk et al., 2018 - Tal1, Gata2a, and Gata3 Have Distinct Functions in the Development of V2b and Cerebrospinal Fluid-Contacting KA Spinal Neurons
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tal2 is expressed in all KA neurons and a few V2b neurons. Cross-sectional (A-B) views of 24h WT zebrafish embryos; dorsal, top. (A) Schematic indicating positions of KA”, KA’ and V2b neurons. (B) tal2 expression in KA” (blue asterisk), KA’ (green asterisk) and V2b (magenta asterisk) cells. Dotted line (B) shows spinal cord boundary. The spacing / rostral-caudal position of KA’’, KA’ and V2b cells is not identical on the two sides of the spinal cord. In this particular cross-section there is a V2b cell only on the right hand side and there are more KA neurons on the left hand side than on the right hand side. Scale bar = 10 microns. (C) Mean number of cells expressing gata3 or tal2 in each D/V row of spinal cord region adjacent to somites 6- 10. All counts are an average of at least 5 embryos. Error bars indicate SEM. Statistically significant (P<0.001) comparisons are indicated with square brackets and three stars (***). Compared to gata3 expression, there are statistically significantly fewer cells expressing tal2 in row 3 and above, suggesting that tal2 is only expressed in a subset of V2b cells. For P values see Supplementary Table 3. |