stab2 is required for anionic liposome uptake by SECs. (a, b) Tissue level view of DOPG (a) and DSPC (b) liposome distribution at 1 hpi in control and dextran sulfate injected embryos, with quantification of liposome levels associated with venous vs arterial endothelial cells based on rhodamine fluorescence intensity associated with CV vs DA. (c) stab2 domain structure predicted to be expressed from the wild-type stab2 and the stab2ibl2 allele. (d) Whole-embryo view of flt1:RFP, flt4:YFP double transgenic embryos at 5 dpf to visualize blood vascular and lymphatic development. No defects were identified during (lymph)angiogenesis and vascular patterning in stab2ibl2 homozygous embryos compared to sibling controls. (e) Fertile adult females (stab2ibl2 homozygous and sibling controls) at 3 months post-fertilization. (f?k) Tissue level view of fluoHA (f) and DOPG (g), DSPC (h), AmBisome (i), EndoTAG-1 (j), and Myocet (k) liposome distribution at 1 hpi in stab2ibl2 and sibling control embryos, with quantification of liposome levels associated with venous vs arterial endothelial cells based on rhodamine fluorescence intensity associated with CV vs DA. (a, b, f?k) Bar height represents median values, dots represent individual data points, and brackets indicate significantly different values (*: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01, ***: p < 0.001, N.S.: not significant) based on Mann?Whitney test. n = 6?10 per group (in two experiments).