Fig. 4
TUNEL assay showed significantly increased cell death in rpgrip1 ?/? mutant retinas. Retina cryosections of wildtype (WT) and rpgrip1 ?/? zebrafish at 14 dpf, 1 mf and 3 mpf were subjected to TUNEL assay. (A) TUNEL-positive cells were present in the outer nuclear layer (ONL) of rpgrip1 ?/? mutant retinas. TUNEL-positive cells were barely observed in ONL of wildtype retina at three age points. (B) Graph indicating significant cell death (12%, 9% and 8% respectively) in the mutant retina compared to the wildtype retina at each age point. The data were collected by counting positive cells from 5 retinal sections of wildtype and rpgrip1 mutant respectively and shown as mean?±?SD. SD: standard deviation. **p?<?0.01. |
Fish: | |
Observed In: | |
Stage Range: | Days 14-20 to Adult |