MTHs were involved in zebrafish neural development. The scheme presents a comparison between the control and MCT8 morphant zebrafish embryos at 25hpf. (A) WISH expression analysis of the neural progenitor marker pax6a in control or MCT8 morphant zebrafish embryos at 25hpf; pax6a was regulated in a context dependent manner by MTHs during zebrafish embryogenesis. Lateral images of the hindbrain and spinal cord in embryos are presented. (B) WISH expression analysis of the neural progenitor factor neurod6b. This gene was regulated by MTHs in the mid- and hindbrain. Lateral (upper panel) and dorsal images (lower panel) of the brain in embryos is presented. (C) WISH expression analysis of the retinoic orphan receptor ab (rorab). Regulation by MTHs occurred in the midbrain and eyes. Lateral (first panel) and dorsal images (second panel) of the brain in embryos are presented. Red arrowheads indicate the optic tectum. (D) WISH analysis of the expression of the inhibitory neuron marker, gad1b, showing that the development of inhibitory neurons was dependent on MTHs during zebrafish embryogenesis. Lateral and dorsal images of the brain (first and second panels) and lateral images of the spinal cord (lower panel) in embryos are presented. The red arrowheads indicate the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB). ey – eye, fb – forebrain, hb-hindbrain, md – midbrain, nt-notochord. In all images the scale bars represent 100 μm.