Fig. S7

Kim et al., 2017 - Claudin5a is required for proper inflation of Kupffer's vesicle lumen and organ laterality
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Fig. S7

KV lumen area of cldn5a morphants was restored by exogenous cldn5a mRNA.

(A?C) Maximum intensity projection images of ZO-1 in 6 ss embryos. Representative images of control morphants with mCherry (A), cldn5a morphants with mCherry (B), and cldn5a morphants with mCherry-cldn5a (C). (D) Statistical box and whisker graph (control morphants with mCherry; n = 25, cldn5a morphants with mCherry; n = 39, cldn5a morphants with mCherry-cldn5a; n = 43) *** depicts p < 0.001. Error bars indicates s.e.m. Scale bar: 20 ?m.

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