Fig. 2

Dai et al., 2017 - Tdrd12 Is Essential for Germ Cell Development and Maintenance in Zebrafish
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Fig. 2

Maternal and germ cell-related expression patterns of tdrd12. (A) Tissue distribution of endogenous tdrd12 transcripts with RT-PCR indicates its gonad-specific patterns in adult zebrafish; (B) The presence of endogenous tdrd12 transcripts at different developmental stages reveals its maternal expression pattern in unfertilized eggs. The expression of zebrafish tdrd12 is decreased in the early embryonic stage until the 48 hpf stage. The tdrd12 transcripts reappear from 15 dpf to the adult stage in the gonads; (C) Presence of PGCs visualized with injected EGFP-dnd 3?UTR mRNA in control larva (upper panel, injected with control morpholino) and PGC-depleted larva (lower panel, injected with dnd morpholino) at the 24-hpf stage. The arrowheads here show the presence of zebrafish PGCs in larva; and (D) Presence of tdrd12 transcripts detected in adult gonadal tissues of the control fish and PGC-depleted dnd morphants (no ovary). The transcripts of ?-actin2 were amplified from the same templates as an internal control to check the quality of the cDNA.

Expression Data
Anatomical Terms:
Stage Range: 1-cell to Adult

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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