Knockdown of ftr82 can be rescued by overexpression of ftr82. In uninjected control embryos, ISV has reached the dorsal region and formed DLAV around 28–30 hpf ((A), arrowheads). At the same stage in fr82 MO, ISVs have stalled or slowed growth at mid-somite ((C), hollow arrowheads). Overexpression of ftr82 by ftr82 mRNA injection caused no obvious defect in vasculature (B), but rescued the defect of ISV stalling ((D), solid arrowheads); (E) Quantification of the percentage of completed ISV at 30 hpf shows a ~45% increase in rescued embryos compared to ftr82 morphants. Percentages of completed ISV are ~97, 22 ± 12, 92 ± 8, and 67 ± 7 in control, ftr82 MO, ftr82 mRNA overexpression, and rescued embryos, respectively. *** refers to p < 0.0001 by an unpaired Student’s t-test. Data represent means ± S.D. Scale bars are 100 μm for (A–D).