Fig. S3
NBQX injection causes time dependent spontaneous proliferation in undamaged retinas, related to Figure 2. Model illustrating predicted effects of NBQX injections on MG proliferation (A). Eyes were injected with 25 nmol of NBQX or PBS and allowed to recover. Eyes were removed before injection (B) as well as at 24hpi (C, D), 48hpi (E, F), 72hpi (G (same as Figure 2B), H), or 96hpi (I, J) and proliferation assessed by PCNA staining. Scale bar is 100μm. Apoptosis was also measured before injection (n=5) and after PBS or NBQX injection at 24hpi (n=4, 4), 48hpi (n=5, 5), 72hpi (n=5, 5), and 96hpi (n=3, 5) by TUNEL (K). A one-way ANOVA was used; Error bars = SD. |