Fig. 2
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- ZDB-FIG-170309-12
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- Wircer et al., 2017 - Homeodomain protein Otp affects developmental neuropeptide switching in oxytocin neurons associated with a long-term effect on social behavior
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otpa mutant reveals a new cluster of hypothalamic OXT neurons. (A?F) In situ hybridization of oxt mRNA in 5 day-old wild type (otpa+/+) and otpa?/? mutant on the background of a transgenic OXT reporter Tg(oxt:egfp) followed by confocal imaging (dorsal view, anterior to the top). otpa+/+;Tg(oxt:egfp) fish do not express detectable levels of oxt mRNA (A), but express EGFP in the posterior tuberculum (PT; B). otpa?/?; Tg(oxt:egfp) mutants express oxt mRNA (D) in oxt:egfp-positive cells of the PT (E). PT OXT neurons are indicated by arrowheads. Scale bar, 20 µm. (G?I) A representative image (single confocal plane) of a transgenic [otpa+/+;Tg(oxt:egfp)] larvae, which was subjected to fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with a single-molecule oxt mRNA probe (Stellaris) showing co-localization (arrowhead) of oxt in EGFP-labelled PT cells. NPO, neurosecretory preoptic area. Scale bar, 20 µm. |
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Stage: | Day 5 |
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Stage: | Day 5 |