Fig. S1
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- ZDB-FIG-161212-2
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- Randlett et al., 2013 - Cellular requirements for building a retinal neuropil
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BC Axons Colonize the Nascent IPL at Approximately the Same Time as Other Retinal Cell Types, Related to Figure 1 (A) Transplantation scheme to create mosaic embryos with vsx1:GFP-labeled BCs in a WT host. BCs initially display a long process extending to the basal surface of the retina (dashed line). As development progresses, the distal portions of the basal processes retract (arrowheads) and the BC axons collect, condense and branch directly into the IPL. (B) Transplantation scheme to create mosaic embryos mosaic embryos with Kif5c560-mCherry and vsx1:GFP co-expressing BCs within a WT host retina. We observe bright Kif5c560-mCherry signal visible within retracting BC process (arrows). Time given in hr:min. Time-lapse imaging begins at 40-45hpf. (C) Transplantation scheme to create mosaic retinas with clones of vsx1:GFP expressing BCs within a membrane-mCherry labeled retina. The IPL becomes visible in the mCherry channel as a wavy band (t = 3:00), which thickens and condenses into the IPL (dotted line, t = 9:00). The GFP-expressing BC axons are visible within the nascent IPL (arrows), and elaborate as the IPL matures. Scale bars = 10 ?m. |