VEGFR inhibition suppressed hepatic angiogenesis that intensified after acute ethanol treatment. (A-F) Confocal three-dimensional projections of the whole liver in the control and ethanol-injured larvae immediately after ethanol treatment (0?hpt) (A,D), and after 3?h of recovery period plus 24?h of subsequent DMSO or ZM treatment (27?hpt) (B,C,E,F). The intrahepatic vasculature is marked by Tg(kdrl:ras-mCherry) expression. Ventral view, anterior is to the top. Dashed line outlines the liver. Scale bar: 30??m. (G) Average diameter of intrahepatic vessels (meanąs.e.m.) in control and ethanol-treated livers with or without subsequent ZM treatment. (H) Numbers (meanąs.e.m.) of intrahepatic vascular branches per liver before ethanol treatment, immediately after ethanol treatment (0?hpt) and at 27?h after ethanol treatment (27?hpt). (I) Numbers (meanąs.e.m.) of intrahepatic vascular branches per liver in the larvae treated with DMSO alone, ZM alone, ethanol followed by DMSO, and ethanol followed by ZM, at 27?hpt. (G-I) Each experiment was repeated three times and the numbers of animals analyzed are shown. Statistical significance in G was calculated by one-way ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test, and in H,I by two-tailed Student's t-test. **P<0.01; ***P<0.001; ****P<0.0001.