Fig. 1

Deshwar et al., 2016 - The Apelin receptor enhances Nodal/TGF? signaling to ensure proper cardiac development
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Fig. 1

aplnra mutant embryos display defects in endoderm and heart formation.

(A) Schematic detailing the aplnramax and aplnrains alleles. TM indicates the transmembrane domain. (B?E) Gross morphology of aplnramax,aplnrains and aplnrains; aplnrbhu4145 mutant embryos compared to WT (wild type) at 48 hpf (hours post-fertilization). (F-I) nkx2.5 expression at the 15 somite stage in WT, aplnrbhu4145, aplnrains, and aplnrains; aplnrbhu4145 mutant embryos. Dorsal view with anterior to the top. (J-L) In situ hybridization showing expression of myl7 at 48 hpf in aplnrains and aplnrains; aplnrbhu4145 embryos compared to WT when viewed from the anterior. (M-P) Comparison of sox17 expression at 8 hpf between WT, aplnrainsaplnrbhu4145and aplnrains; aplnrbhu4145 mutant embryos. Dorsal views are shown with a lateral view in inset panels.

Expression Data
Anatomical Terms:
Stage Range: 75%-epiboly to Long-pec

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Observed In:
Stage Range: 75%-epiboly to Long-pec

Phenotype Detail
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