The effect of 72 h dasatinib treatment on sapje muscle phenotype. Embryos were treated with dasatinib or DMSO only for 72 h before a birefringence assay was carried out. The number of larvae showing normal or disrupted muscle birefringence was counted. (A) The proportion of larvae showing mild, moderate and severe muscle damage. There was a significant decrease in the percentage of larvae showing a severe phenotype in the groups treated with dasatinib compared with DMSO alone. (B) The overall percentage rescue of the dystrophic phenotype is plotted against dasatinib concentration. Data are plotted taking the proportion of dystrophic fish in DMSO-only treated groups as 0% rescue (one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett′s multiple comparison test: *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001). Data points represent mean values of five independent experiments, with a total of <250 embryos per treatment group. Error bars represent SEM.