nkx6.1-expressing cells give rise to all pancreatic cell types. a?d" Immunodetection in 30-hpf Tg(nkx6.1:eGFP) embryos of GFP with Isl1 (a?a"), Ins (b?b"), Sst (c?c"), or Gcg (d?d"). Yellow arrows point to cells co-expressing GFP and the respective hormones. e?e" Fluorescent whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH) of 55-hpf Tg(nkx6.1:eGFP) embryos using a try probe followed by GFP immunodetection. f, f′ Immunodetection in 5-dpf Tg(nkx6.1:eGFP) embryos of GFP and of the hepato-pancreatic duct marker 2F11. g?h′ Immunodetection of GFP and of Ins, Gcg, and Sst hormones in 5-dpf Tg(nkx6.1:eGFP) embryos treated from 3 to 5 dpf with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) (g) or with the Notch signaling inhibitor, LY411575 (h). Yellow arrows point to secondary endocrine GFP+/hormones+ cells found in IPDs. All views are ventral with the anterior part to the left and represent either z-plane confocal images (a-e) or confocal projection images (f-h). Scale bars = 20 µm (a-e) or 40 µm (f-h)