Fig. 8

Auer et al., 2015 - Deletion of a kinesin I motor unmasks a mechanism of homeostatic branching control by neurotrophin-3
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Fig. 8

Transplantations confirm the growth promoting-effect in kif5aa mutant tecta.

(A) Representative pictures of single in vivo imaged RGC axons after blastula stage transplantions from wild-type donors into a wild-type tectum (left panel), from kif5aa mutants into a wild-type tectum (middle panel) or from a wild-type donor into a kif5aa mutant tectum (right panel). The same cell was analyzed at 5 dpf (upper panel) and 7 dpf (middle panel). Scale bars = 20 µm. Schematics of RGC arbor complexity and size in the lower panel. In orange: Ntf3 overexpressing kif5aa mutant tectum. D = dorsal, V = ventral, R = rostral, C = caudal. (B) Quantification of total branch length of transplanted RGC axons at 5 and 7 dpf. Kif5aa mutant cell arbors are significantly smaller than wild-type cell arbors when growing into a wild-type tectum (p < 0.01). Wild-type cells built larger arbors when growing into a kif5aa mutant tectum (p < 0.05) (5 dpf: n = 14, 35, 6; 7 dpf: n = 14, 19, 5). (C) Schematic illustrating growth behavior of RGC axons in wildtype (upper panel) and kif5aa mutant tecta (lower panel) and upon loss of TrkC signaling (middle panel). Wild-type RGCs start to grow into the wild-type neuropil at 3 dpf. They grow highly active filopodial protrusions and start to form complex axonal arbors. At 5 dpf they reach their final size and maintain their branch shape at 7 dpf. When TrkC signaling is blocked by overexpression of a dominant negative receptor (ntrk3adN-GFP), wild-type cells show a substantially reduced arbor complexity (middle panel). Kif5aa mutant RGC arbors show a delay of ingrowth into the tectal neuropil. This is followed by a period of highly active growth with abundant filopodia formation. This results in highly complex arbors at 7 dpf. The delay of RGC growth is cell autonomous (Figure 8?figure supplement 1). The lack of retinal input leads to an upregulation of ntf3 expression by tectal cells and constitutes a growth-promoting environment.

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