pitx2a and pitx2c are differentially expressed during the asymmetric development of the diencephalon, gut and heart. In situ hybridizations at 22-25 somites of development using a full-length pitx2 probe (A,D,G,J), a pitx2a isoform specific probe (B,E,H,K) and a pitx2c isoform specific probe (C,F,I,L). (A-C) Lateral views with arrows pointing to asymmetric expression in the dorsal diencephalon, the developing heart and gut from anterior to posterior. (D-F) Frontal views; arrows mark left-sided asymmetric expression in the dorsal diencephalon. Both isoforms were expressed symmetrically in the ventral diencephalon. (G-I) Dorsal views with arrows marking left-sided expression in the developing gut. (G-I) Double in situ hybridization with pitx2 or pitx2-isoform specific probes (blue) and lft2 (red) probes showing asymmetric expression of pitx2 and lft2 in the heart field.