acerebellar embryos show no severe defects in pectoral fin development. (A-D,M) Fgf8 expression in the finbud. (A-C) Wild type. (D) acerebellar. No Fgf8 expression is detected at 30 hours of development. (E-G) shh expression in the ZPA precedes Fgf8 expression and is not affected in acerebellar. (E,F) Wild type. (G) acerebellar. (H-J) eng1 (arrowheads) in the ventral fin bud precedes Fgf8 and is normal in acerebellar. (H,I) Wild type. (J) acerebellar. (K,L) Fins of wild-type (K) and acerebellar (L) embryos on day 5 of development are of similar size and shape. (M) Fgf8 expression in the distalmost ridge, AER, of the developing fin at 48 hours of development (viewed from posterior). a, anterior; dis, distal; dor, dorsal; p, posterior; pro, proximal; ven, ventral.