Fig. S5
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-130802-35
- Publication
- Choudhuri et al., 2013 - Translation initiation factor eIF3h targets specific transcripts to polysomes during embryogenesis
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In situ hybridization experiments demonstrating the spatial expression patterns of ectopically injected crygm2d7-FLAG mRNA. The crygm2d7 UTR sequences are not sufficient to confer eif3ha dependency for translation. (A) Embryos were probed using an anti-crygm2d7 RNA probe. Shown are representative 24 hpf embryos that had been injected with the crygm2d7-FLAG mRNA or stage-matched control uninjected embryos, as indicated (note that transcripts in the controls are restricted to the lens). (B) The renilla luciferase (RLUC) cDNA was flanked by the crygm2d7 UTR sequences, and activity relative to firefly luciferase (FLUC) was measured in eif3ha and control morpholino-injected embryos. FLUC was used as control luciferase in this dual luciferase assay. Results shown are the mean from three independent experiments. |