Cdh2 is required for maintaining the interaction between the pioneer trailing axon and follower FMBNs. Maximum projection images of Tg(zCREST1:membRFP) embryos. (A-D) In uninjected control embryos at (A) 18 hpf, (B) 20 hpf, (C) 22 hpf and (D) 24 hpf, the trailing axon (arrows) of the pioneer neuron (arrowheads) maintains contact with follower FBMNs. (E-H) In Cdh2MO-injected embryos, the interaction between the trailing axon of the pioneer neuron and follower FBMNs is reduced or absent; examples at (E) 18 hpf, (F) 20 hpf, (G) 22 hpf and (H) 24 hpf. Arrowheads indicate the pioneer neuron. Arrow indicates the trailing axon. Scale bar: 20 μm.